Paper Towel Storage Ideas

Paper towels are a staple in most homes. They provide a quick, convenient way to clean up spills, dry hands, wipe surfaces, and much more.

But with their bulky rolls, paper towels can be tricky to organize and store. Cluttered counters or stuffed cabinets make it hard to even find them when you need them.

Paper Towel Storage Ideas

Thankfully, there are many clever paper towel storage solutions to keep your supply tidy, accessible and out of sight.

Storing Paper Towels in the Kitchen

The kitchen is the most common spot to keep paper towels for quick cleanups. But bulky rolls on the counter or crammed in cabinets create clutter. Use these tips to neatly tuck away your towel supply.

In Drawers

Kitchen drawers often go underutilized. Take advantage of this wasted space by storing paper towels inside.


  • Keeps paper towels concealed but easily accessible
  • Allows you to grab one towel at a time
  • Leaves countertops clutter-free

Roll towels vertically and stand them upright in a drawer. Place a removable tray or bin inside to neatly corral the rolls. Labeling the bin makes it clear this is the paper towel drawer.

For a compact drawer, lay towels horizontally stacked. Just make sure to roll towels back up to prevent wrinkling.

Inside Cabinets

Another way to keep paper towels handy in the kitchen is inside a cabinet. This clears off the countertop while still keeping them within reach.

Ways to store paper towels in cabinets:

  • Stand rolls vertically in a corner
  • Hang rolls using tension rods or spring-loaded shower caddies inside cabinet doors
  • Place rolls in lined up bins or baskets
  • Install slide-out trays or roll holders to dispense towels

Try to choose lower cabinets closer to sinks and prep areas for the most convenient access. Add labels to designate the paper towel cabinet.

On Shelves

For open shelving, neatly aligning paper towel rolls works well. Keep extras underneath commonly used items.

Tips for organizing paper towels on shelves:

  • Group similar items together – paper towels rolls beside napkins and cleaning rags
  • Arrange by roll size with larger on bottom and smaller rolls on top
  • Store upright with loose end facing outward for easy grabbing
  • Contain smaller rolls in labeled bins or baskets
  • Add shelf dividers for a neater appearance

Aim for shelves nearer to where you use paper towels most, like by the stove or sink.

Mounted and Wall-Mounted Holders

Floor-standing and wall-mounted paper towel holders free up shelf and cabinet space. Look for holders with a weighted base or choose wall-mounted racks with high capacity to minimize refilling.

Place holders near prep areas or sinks for a handy paper towel station. Just beware of potential fire hazards near stoves.

Key Takeaway: Store paper towels in existing kitchen cabinets, drawers, or shelves to keep them accessible yet out of sight. Underutilized spaces like low cabinets and drawer organizers work great for neatly stashing paper towel rolls.

Keeping Paper Towels Handy Around the House

While it’s most common to store paper towels in the kitchen, you likely use them in other rooms too. Here are ideas to keep towels handy all around your home.

In the Bathroom

Paper towels in the bathroom provide a quick way to dry hands or wipe up spills and messes. But with limited storage, the rolls often end up cluttering up sinks and vanities.

Smart bathroom paper towel storage ideas:

  • Under the sink cabinet – Use spring loaded holders or slides inside cabinet doors
  • In a drawer – Use standing dividers or trays to neatly corral rolls
  • On open shelves – Place a decorative bin or basket to hold rolls
  • Inside linen closets – Designate a shelf or bin for paper towels
  • On wall-mounted rails – Install rails with towel bars near sinks
  • On back of door – Use over-the-door racks to hold paper towels

Stash backup rolls out of sight in cabinets but keep daily use towels handy by sinks or toilets.

In the Laundry Room

The laundry room is another spot where you likely go through lots of paper towels for cleaning up spills and messes.

Laundry room paper towel organization tips:

  • Inside existing cabinets – Use racks, caddies or trays
  • On open shelving – Neatly line up or place bins of rolls on shelves
  • On countertops or washers – Use decorative holders for daily towels
  • Inside closets – Designate shelf space for paper towel storage
  • On back of door – Install over-the-door racks to hold rolls

Having towels readily available here makes cleanups quick and easy.

In the Garage or Workshops

Paper towels are great for workshops, craft rooms, and garages to wipe up spills and clean hands. The key is keeping them dry and protected.

Garage and workshop paper towel storage ideas:

  • On shelves – Line up rolls or use bins to corral
  • Wall-mounted holders – Install shelves with railings to hold rolls
  • Inside cabinets – Use hooks, racks or trays to contain rolls
  • Drawer organizers – Store vertically in deep drawers
  • Shelving units – Use tall racks with bins for ample storage

For damp garages, look for waterproof bins or sealed cabinets. Store only what you’ll use within a few months to prevent mold.

Other Rooms

Think about where else you use paper towels around your home. Then designate a handy spot to keep a small supply in each area.

  • Entryway – On console table or over-the-door rack
  • Family room – In cabinets, shelves or basket beside sofa
  • Kids’ rooms – On closet shelves or in cubbies
  • Home office – Drawer organizers or wall-mounted holder

Storing towels where you need them saves time hunting when spills inevitably happen. Just be sure to limit quantities to what you’ll use up before they become dusty or damp.

Key Takeaway: Designate spots to stash paper towels in bathrooms, laundry rooms, workshops and anywhere else you use them for quick cleanups. Prioritize accessible yet concealed storage.

Roll Storage and Dispensing Solutions

Once you’ve decided where to keep your paper towel rolls, choose a storage method that makes the most of the space. Here are handy tools to neatly contain the bulky rolls.

Cabinet Door Storage

Take advantage of the vertical storage space inside cabinet doors with these solutions:

  • Spring tension rods – Insert horizontally to hang towels using shower caddies
  • Over-the-door racks – Hang on back of door to hold rolls neatly
  • Cabinet door racks – Mount vertically to hold several rolls
  • Slide-out trays – Install under cabinets for easy roll access

Look for over-the-door options with multiple compartments to organize other items too like cleaning supplies.

Drawer Organizers

Neatly corralling paper towel rolls in drawers streamlines access to one towel at a time. Consider these solutions:

  • Dividers – Section off part of drawer to stand up rolls
  • Cutlery trays – Repurpose silverware trays as roll organizers
  • Deep drawers – Use extra deep drawers to stand multiple rolls vertically
  • Tiered drawers – Designate one drawer tier just for paper towels

Look for adjustable dividers to customize sections to fit your towel brand.

Shelving Tools

Open shelves require a bit more effort to keep bulky paper towels orderly. Utilize these techniques:

  • Shelf dividers – Add removable dividers for a neat appearance
  • Decorative bins – Contain rolls in matching bins or baskets
  • Railings – Install railing shelf fronts to corral rolls
  • Tiered shelving – Devote lower shelves for paper storage

Try lining bins and shelves with shelf liner to prevent rolls from unfurling.

Wall-Mounted Holders

Wall-mounted holders provide easy access to paper towels without taking up precious shelf space.

  • Rail holders – Grips onto rolls and mounts to wall
  • Paper towel stands – Freestanding holders sit on floor or counter
  • Wall shelves – Mounted shelves with railing hold multiple rolls
  • Wall dispensers – Enclosed units neatly dispense one sheet at a time

Look for weighted bases on freestanding options to prevent tipping.

Freestanding Storage Solutions

Freestanding paper towel holders range from basic stands to storage cabinets. Consider these options:

  • Wire stands – Basic metal stands hold one roll on countertops
  • Decorative holders – Ceramic or wood holders display roll
  • Ladder racks – Lean against wall to hold multiple rolls
  • Carts – Rolling carts conveniently transport paper towels
  • Cabinets – Enclosed cabinets neatly store bulk packages

Wheeled options like rolling carts make it easy to transport towels anywhere needed.

Key Takeaway: Use specialized drawer organizers, wall-mounted rails, over-the-door racks and other smart solutions to neatly store and dispense paper towels.

Storing Bulk Packs of Paper Towels

To save money, most households buy bulk packs of paper towels with 6 to 24 rolls. But finding a place to stash all those extra rolls can be tricky. These tips make it easy to organize bulk towel inventory.

Remove Excess Packaging

It’s hard to find space for a towering 24 pack as-is. Remove the bulky cardboard packaging so rolls can be lined up neatly on shelves or stored loose inside bins.

Designate “Backstock” Storage Areas

Pick designated areas in your home to store backup supplies of paper towels. Good locations include:

  • Pantries or closets
  • Basements
  • Garages
  • Laundry rooms
  • Under beds or staircases

Ideally choose cool, dry areas protected from moisture to prevent mold growth.

Organize Backstock by Use

Separate bulk packs of paper towels intended for the kitchen versus workshop use. This prevents grease-stained shop towels from mixing with pristine kitchen rolls.

Utilize Shelving Units

Standalone shelving units are ideal for stashing bulk paper towels and other backstock items. Look for:

  • Metal racks with adjustable shelves
  • Wooden shelving with bins or baskets
  • Narrow units to tuck into unused alcoves
  • Locking cabinets for garage storage

Place shelving units near where you store daily use paper towels for easy refilling.

Maximize Existing Storage Space

Before buying new organizers, look for unused spaces to stash backup supplies.

  • Under bathroom or kitchen sinks
  • Inside linen closets
  • On top shelves of pantries and closets
  • Under furniture like beds, couches or tables
  • Inside hobby or laundry rooms

Paper towels are out of sight, but you’ll know where to find them when backups are needed.

Create An Inventory

Once bulk packs of paper towels are organized, keep track with an inventory list. Note where each type of towel is stored and how many rolls remain. This prevents overbuying and forgotten rolls hidden away.

Key Takeaway: Remove original packaging and designate specific areas to organize bulk packs of paper towels. Maintaining an inventory list helps track backup supply.

Easy DIY Paper Towel Storage Solutions

Don’t have the budget to buy fancy organizers? No problem! You likely already have materials around the house to create clever paper towel storage with these DIY solutions.

Repurpose Household Items

Give unused items new life as paper towel holders. Possibilities include:

  • Laundry hampers – Use as freestanding paper towel bins
  • Curtain rods – Mount inside cabinet to hang towels from
  • Vintage ladders – Lean against wall to hold rolls on rungs
  • PVC pipes – Cap ends and mount horizontally to hold rolls
  • Rain gutters – Affix to wall as channels to neatly store rolls

Check your attic, garage and basement for items to creatively repurpose.

Craft Easy Organizers

Tap into your creative side with these easy homemade solutions:

  • Dowel rods – Hot glue or screw dowels inside cabinet for hanging towels
  • Wood crates – Stain and stack crates to hold bulk packs
  • Cubbies – Use cardboard or wood to add custom nooks for rolls
  • Spice racks – Repurpose an old rack as horizontal roll storage

Even basic materials can build organizers matching your decor.

Use Removable Solutions

Temporary DIY fixes allow renters to add storage without jeopardizing security deposits. Consider:

  • Tension rods – Insert in cabinets for instant towel bars
  • Shower caddies – Hang over cabinet doors or place on shelves
  • Adhesive hooks – Stick on inside of cabinets and pantries
  • Free-standing racks – Assemble temporary racks with PVC pipes

Focus on solutions easily removed without damaging existing cabinets and walls.

Key Takeaway: Repurpose unused household items or use temporary, removable solutions to craft creative paper towel organizers without the cost of store-bought tools.


Where should I store paper towels for daily use?

Prioritize quick access by keeping daily-use paper towels in convenient spots like under kitchen sinks or mounted near bathroom toilets and sinks.

How can I stop my paper towels from unrolling or getting dirty?

Store rolls vertically upright to prevent unfurling. Use bins or trays to further contain towels and protect from dust or grease.

Where should I keep my backup supply of paper towels?

Designate a specific area like a pantry, closet or basement to organize bulk packs of towels. Keeping backups separate from daily towels minimizes clutter.

What’s the best way to neatly store paper towels on open shelves?

Line rolls vertically in a row. Slide them to the shelf front for easy access to loose ends. Add removable dividers or bins for a tidy appearance.

How do I store paper towels to prevent mold or mildew?

Store only a 3-6 month supply and avoid damp areas like garages and basements. Check rolls periodically and toss any with mold or mildew growth.

What kind of DIY paper towel holder can I make myself?

Repurpose items like curtain rods inside cabinets or mount spice racks horizontally to neatly hold rolls. You can also build wooden caddies or buy inexpensive parts like dowels and crates to assemble organizers.

Where can I buy paper towel organizers and dispensers?

Check stores like Target, Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond, The Container Store and Amazon for a wide selection of paper towel holders, over the door racks, slide out trays and wall-mounted dispensers.


Paper towels are a household staple, but their bulky rolls can quickly create clutter and waste storage space. By designating useful spots throughout your home to keep paper towels handy, yet out of sight, you can maintain a tidy appearance and convenient access.

Utilize organizers suited for your existing storage areas like cabinets, drawers, and shelves. Or incorporate creative solutions like mounted rails, over-the-door racks and freestanding holders for paper towel rolls. Pick functional yet attractive options complementing your decor.

Emma Kellam
Emma Kellam

I'm Emma, and I run Towels Edition, a website for fellow home goods enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about textiles. After working in high-end retail, I was amazed by how little most people (myself included!) know about all the towel options out there.

I research and write all the content myself. Whether it's specialized towels like bar mops, Turkish cotton production methods, or comparing hair towel absorbency, I cover it. My goal is to share my knowledge and enthusiasm to help others.

Running Towels Edition allows me to constantly expand my own expertise too. I love learning about innovations in bamboo fabric or ideal bath towels. It's so rewarding to receive emails thanking me for recommendations that improved my readers' routines.

I want Towels Edition to be the ultimate online towel resource, making this overlooked necessity far more fascinating. My aim is to open people's eyes to how specialty towels can thoroughly enhance hygiene, cleaning, recreation and self-care.