What Is A Hand Towel

Hand towels are a bathroom staple that no home should be without.

Hand Towels

While often overlooked, these small towels serve an important role in providing hygienic hand drying as well as decorative flair.

What are Hand Towels?

Hand towels are smaller towels used specifically to dry the hands and face. As with bath towels, these small towels are often made of cotton-based terrycloth for extra absorbency. Hand towels are also sometimes used as decorative accents in the bathroom.

Among the various types of towels, the hand towel is probably the second most commonly used towel around the home. Second, only to the bath towel, the hand towel is often positioned near the sink in the bathroom. This makes it possible for people to quickly dry their hands after washing them in the basin. The towel is also often a favorite item for men, as the small size makes it easy to use while shaving.

Sizes and Materials of Hand Towels

Hand towels come in a wide range of colors, textures, and designs like larger bath towels. It is possible to purchase solid-colored towels that contain a high thread count. These versions are normally highly absorbent and thick to the touch. Sculpted towels add a bit of visual interest to the towel while still serving a practical purpose. For people who like a lot of colors, it is possible to buy hand towels that are striped or utilize several colors in some type of pattern.

The most common size for a hand towel is about 16 inches x 30 inches. However, they can range in size from as small as 12 x 12 inches to as large as 20 x 40 inches.

Hand towels are made from highly absorbent materials like:

  • Cotton: Provides fast drying and absorbency. Cotton hand towels are easy to wash and durable for frequent replacement.
  • Bamboo: Offers a sustainable choice with high absorbency. Bamboo hand towels are soft and gentle.
  • Turkish cotton: Known for being soft, fluffy, and absorbent. Turkish cotton makes luxurious hand towels.
  • Terry cloth: Ideal for ultra-absorbency and plush hand towels. The loops in the terry weave soak up lots of water.
  • Linen: Linen hand towels are decorative, long-lasting, and extremely durable. They make elegant yet functional hand towels.
  • Microfiber: Provides great absorption and drying ability without lint. Microfiber hand towels are lightweight.

Uses for Hand Towels

Hand towels are intended specifically to dry the hands and face. They are perfect for a quick dry after washing your hands or face at the bathroom sink. Men also frequently use hand towels while shaving.

In addition to the everyday hand towel, there are also special guest towels. These small towels are often embroidered or otherwise decorated. While the name implies they are for guests, these towels are more commonly used as a decorative touch in bathrooms.

Since guest towels can cause confusion, people often place a plain-colored everyday hand towel next to the sink as a functional one for guests to use.

Hand towels are handy to have around the kitchen, bathroom, or any sink. They can absorb water from wet hands, clothes, or dishes. Use them to wipe down counters and surfaces too.

Differentiating Hand Towels and Washcloths

Hand towels and washcloths are sometimes used interchangeably, but there are a few key differences:

  • Size: Washcloths are usually 12″ x 12″ while hand towels are around 16″ x 30″ – so washcloths are quite a bit smaller.
  • Use: Washcloths are typically used to clean the face because they are smaller and gentler. Hand towels are better for drying hands because they are larger and more durable.
  • Fabric: Washcloths may need a softer fabric that won’t irritate facial skin. Hand towels can handle tougher materials since hands are less sensitive.
  • Placement: Washcloths are often kept in the bathroom near sinks and showers. But hand towels can be placed anywhere around the house near sinks.

Opt for washcloths to use on the face and hand towels for general hand and surface drying. Consider the size, use, fabric, and placement to decide which towel type you need.

Hand Towel Care and Hygiene

Like bath towels, hand towels need to be washed frequently in hot water to kill bacteria and prevent odors. Wash hand towels separately from other laundry for best results.

It’s recommended to change out hand towels daily or every other day if they are used heavily. This is especially important for hand towels in public places like gyms or offices.

Don’t share hand towels between people, as this spreads germs very easily. If you must share, wash the towel afterward.

You can add vinegar or a few drops of essential oils to hand towels when washing to help naturally disinfect and leave them smelling fresh.

Bleach can also disinfect hand towels effectively. Make a 1 tsp bleach + 1-quart water solution. Soak towels for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Finally, be sure to completely dry hand towels between uses, either in a hot dryer or hung outside in sunlight. This prevents mold and mildew growth.

Hand Towel Alternatives

Hand Towel Alternatives

If you don’t have a hand towel, there are a few suitable alternatives:

While these options work in a pinch, for everyday use you’ll want soft, absorbent hand towels for gentle and effective hand drying. Invest in some high-quality cotton or microfiber hand towels for your bathroom and kitchen.

How Many Hand Towels to Have on Hand

The number of hand towels needed depends on household size and how often they are used. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Small household: 3 towels per person
  • Large or busy household: 5-6 towels per person
  • Frequent guests: Add 2-3 extra hand towels
  • Half baths: Minimum of 2 hand towels
  • Master bath: Minimum of 4 hand towels

It’s ideal to have enough hand towels so some can be in the wash while clean ones are available. Rotate towels frequently and have multiple on hand for convenience.

Hand Towels Add Style and Function

Hand towels bring color, texture, and visual interest to any room. They serve the important functional purpose of drying hands hygienically while also providing a decorative accent.

Choose hand towels that express your personal style – whether that’s preppy, boho, traditional, or modern. Use hand towels to tie together your bath or kitchen with coordinated colors and patterns.

Invest in soft, absorbent 100% cotton or microfiber hand towels for both style and function. Wash them frequently in hot water for cleanliness. With proper care, your stylish hand towels will provide hand hygiene while looking great for years to come.


What are some alternatives to terry cloth for hand towels?

Linen, cotton, microfiber, and bamboo are all good terry cloth alternatives for hand towels.

Where should you store decorative guest towels?

Guest towels work best as part of the bathroom decor, either folded and displayed or hung nicely.

Should you use fabric softener on hand towels?

Avoid fabric softeners on hand towels as they can affect absorbency. Use vinegar or essential oils instead.

How do you make old hand towels soft again?

Wash towels in hot water with baking soda and vinegar to naturally soften them. Avoid using fabric softener.

How do hotels fold hand towels artfully?

Hotels use special folds like triangles, rectangles, and roll folds to neatly present hand towels.

What is the difference between a tea towel and a hand towel?

Tea towels are typically linen or cotton while hand towels may be terry cloth. But they can often be used interchangeably.

Should you wash hand towels separately?

Yes, wash hand towels separately on a hot cycle to optimize cleaning and bacterial removal.

How can you embroider a guest’s hand towel?

A: Use simple embroidery stitches like chain stitch or cross-stitch to personalize and decorate guest towels.

Why do hand towels smell bad?

Musty or bad smells mean bacteria are growing. Wash regularly in hot water and dry thoroughly to prevent odors.

What thread count is best for cotton hand towels?

Look for a high thread count of 600-800 for soft yet durable cotton hand towels.


Now that you know about the varied sizes, fabrics, and uses of hand towels, you can make informed choices based on your needs. Follow the care and hygiene tips to keep towels fresh and bacteria-free for family and guests.

Hand towels are available at all price points, so you can find options to suit your style and budget. Equip your home with high-quality hand towels in multiple rooms for convenience and decorator appeal.

Emma Kellam
Emma Kellam

I'm Emma, and I run Towels Edition, a website for fellow home goods enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about textiles. After working in high-end retail, I was amazed by how little most people (myself included!) know about all the towel options out there.

I research and write all the content myself. Whether it's specialized towels like bar mops, Turkish cotton production methods, or comparing hair towel absorbency, I cover it. My goal is to share my knowledge and enthusiasm to help others.

Running Towels Edition allows me to constantly expand my own expertise too. I love learning about innovations in bamboo fabric or ideal bath towels. It's so rewarding to receive emails thanking me for recommendations that improved my readers' routines.

I want Towels Edition to be the ultimate online towel resource, making this overlooked necessity far more fascinating. My aim is to open people's eyes to how specialty towels can thoroughly enhance hygiene, cleaning, recreation and self-care.