How To Hang Bath Towels Decoratively

Your bathroom towels serve both a functional purpose as well as an aesthetic one. Hanging them neatly not only keeps your bathroom tidy but can also add a decorative element that makes your space feel more inviting.

How To Hang Bath Towels Decoratively

With some simple tricks, you can transform your basic towel rack into an elegant display that feels fresh and cozy.

Fold Towels for Hanging

When it comes to hanging towels, proper folding is key for keeping them orderly and wrinkle-free. Here are some go-to techniques:

Simple Vertical Fold

This traditional method creates a tidy, rectangular towel that fits nicely over bars and racks.

  • Lay the towel flat with the longer side facing you. Smooth out any bumps or wrinkles.
  • Fold the towel into thirds vertically by bringing the left and right sides into the middle so they overlap slightly.
  • Fold the new rectangular towel in half widthwise.
  • Drape the folded towel over your bar or rack. Make sure the folded side faces out while the backside with loose edges faces the wall.

The Hotel Fold

Also called the “spa fold”, this technique leaves a pocket at the top for holding a decorative folded washcloth or the towel’s tag.

  • With the longer side facing you, fold the left edge over 1/4 of the way toward the middle.
  • Flip the towel over so the fold is at the bottom.
  • Fold it into thirds vertically like the simple fold.
  • Loosely fold the bottom 1/4 sections together to secure the pocket.
  • Hang on the rack with a pocket at the top.

The Roll

Rolling towels make them easy to transport and enable neat stacking.

  • Fold the towel in half widthwise.
  • Start rolling tightly from one short end to the other.
  • Store upright in baskets or pile rolled towels horizontally.

Creative Ways to Hang Towels

Once you’ve folded them, it’s time to display your towels for a pulled-together look. Here are some options:

Towel Bars

Towel Bars

These classic horizontal bars may be simple, but they elegantly show off your towels.

  • For bath towels, fold vertically first before draping over the bar.
  • Hand towels can hang with just a widthwise fold.
  • Space towels apart or line them up neatly.
  • Layer hand towels over bath towels for a layered look.

Towel Rings and Hooks

Towel Rings and Hooks

Perfect for smaller bathrooms, these space-saving options add a decorative flair.

  • For rings, fold the hand towel vertically, and loop it halfway through the ring.
  • Hooks work well for hand towels too – just fold widthwise and hang.
  • Consider adding a coordinating bathroom accessory like a brush.


An open or lidded basket keeps towels organized and adds a stylish storage element.

  • Fold or roll towels, then pile them into a pyramid shape.
  • Add decorative elements like feathers or flowers to the basket.
  • Carry the basket vs. loose towels for easy transport.


Show off your towels by neatly stacking or fanning them out on bathroom shelves.

  • Alternate rolls and folds for visual interest.
  • Pile same-colored towels together.
  • Top off piles with decorative soaps or candles.

The Spa Draping Technique

This upscale look imitates luxury hotel bathrooms.

  • Hang the bath towel folded vertically on the bar.
  • Center hand towel over it folded into thirds with pocket.
  • Fan fold a washcloth and place it in the hand towel pocket.

Design Considerations for Decorative Towels

Keep these tips in mind for an aesthetically pleasing towel display:

Choose strategic locations

Consider foot traffic, functionality, and visual appeal when deciding where to place towels. Near the sink or shower makes them easily accessible.

Play with color

Solid-colored towels or tones from the same palette look most cohesive. Add pops of contrasting colors sparingly.

Incorporate textures

Layer towels of varying sizes like bath sheets, hand towels, and washcloths. Roll some, fold others, and hang the rest for interest.


Elevate ordinary towel stacks with baskets, ribbons, flowers, or coordinating bath accessories like soaps and brushes.

Maintain neatness

Keep your towel displays looking tidy by refolding and straightening them regularly. Store backup stacks out of sight.


How do hotels fold towels?

Hotels often use the vertical thirds fold or the pocket fold. This keeps them compact, neat, and easy to handle.

How do you fold a towel into a ring?

Fold into thirds vertically. Then fold into triangles from side to side twice. Lift the middle and slip your fingers inside to form a ring shape.

Where should you hang a towel ring?

Install it at a convenient height, like near chest level. Avoid too low or too high. Near the sink or shower is ideal.

How do you decorate rolled towels?

Try tying them with ribbon or narrow cloth. Store upright in a decorative basket. Or alternate rolls with folded towels for contrast.


With the right folding techniques, racks, and accessories, you can transform your basic bathroom towels into spa-worthy decor.

Experiment with different folds and creative combinations to find a look that suits your personal style.

Proper display keeps towels organized while adding a welcoming touch.

Emma Kellam
Emma Kellam

I'm Emma, and I run Towels Edition, a website for fellow home goods enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about textiles. After working in high-end retail, I was amazed by how little most people (myself included!) know about all the towel options out there.

I research and write all the content myself. Whether it's specialized towels like bar mops, Turkish cotton production methods, or comparing hair towel absorbency, I cover it. My goal is to share my knowledge and enthusiasm to help others.

Running Towels Edition allows me to constantly expand my own expertise too. I love learning about innovations in bamboo fabric or ideal bath towels. It's so rewarding to receive emails thanking me for recommendations that improved my readers' routines.

I want Towels Edition to be the ultimate online towel resource, making this overlooked necessity far more fascinating. My aim is to open people's eyes to how specialty towels can thoroughly enhance hygiene, cleaning, recreation and self-care.