Bath Towel vs. Shower Towel

For most people, a towel is a towel. We use them after a shower or bath to dry off, and don’t think much beyond that.

Bath Towel vs. Shower Towel

But when you start shopping for new towels, you’ll notice that there are different types of towels available, with the main options being bath towels and shower towels.

What exactly is the difference between these two towel varieties? And how do you know which one is right for your bathroom?

Size Differences

The most noticeable difference between a bath towel and a shower towel is the size.

Bath towels are generally around 27 x 52 inches. This gives you enough fabric to wrap around your torso or to fold over to dry your legs and feet. It’s a standard towel size that works well for most people.

Shower towels are quite a bit smaller, usually around 27 x 30 inches. As you can guess from the name, these towels are made for just drying off after a shower, and don’t provide full-body coverage.

Here’s a quick size comparison:

Towel TypeStandard Size
Bath towel27 x 52 inches
Shower towel27 x 30 inches

So in general, bath towels give you more fabric to work with while shower towels are more compact.


Both bath and shower towels are made from very absorbent materials like cotton or microfiber. So there’s not a significant difference in how well they soak up water.

However, the extra surface area of a bath towel allows it to hold more liquid overall. A larger bath towel can absorb more water from your body than a smaller shower towel.

So if maximum absorbency is your main priority, bath towels are the way to go. But shower towels still get the job done if you’re just looking to dry off quickly after a shower.

Drying Time

One benefit of the compact size of shower towels is that they take less time to dry than larger bath towels.

Because there’s less material and surface area, a shower towel will dry faster after use. This means it’s ready to go sooner when you need it again.

Bath towels take a bit longer to fully dry since they hold more water. If you don’t want to deal with damp towels between uses, the quicker drying shower towels may be a better choice.

Usage and Coverage

As you probably guessed, bath and shower towels are intended for different uses:

  • Bath towels are made for drying off your entire body after a bath or shower. The large size allows you to wrap yourself up or drape the towel over your body.
  • Shower towels are designed for a quick dry-off after getting out of the shower. They give you just enough fabric to pat yourself down, but don’t provide full coverage.

So bath towels are better if you want to fully wrap yourself up after bathing. Shower towels are a good option for a quick pat-down or if you prefer air drying.

Key Takeaway: Bath towels provide more coverage for your body, while shower towels are made for a quick pat dry after a shower.


The smaller size and thinner fabric of shower towels also makes them lighter in weight compared to bath towels.

A bath towel can feel heavy and cumbersome when it’s soaked, especially when trying to wrap up your hair or get dressed. A shower towel is lighter and easier to manage.

So if you don’t want the bulkiness of a large wet bath towel, a shower towel may be a smarter choice for your needs. They’re less fabric to deal with.

Design and Styles

Bath and shower towels come in a variety of colors, patterns, and material styles like:

  • Solid colors
  • Stripes
  • Prints and patterns
  • Waffle weave
  • Terry cloth
  • Textured fabrics

There are no major differences in the designs and styles available. You’ll find very similar aesthetics and fabric options for both towel varieties.

The main limitation is that shower towels come in fewer sizes beyond just the standard 27 x 30 inches. But you’ll still have dozens of style options to choose from.


Due to the additional fabric required, bath towels do cost a bit more than shower towels in general. However, there are affordable options available in both categories.

Here are some average price ranges:

  • Bath towels – $5-$30+
  • Shower towels – $2-$20+

The lowest end of the price range will get you basic, budget-friendly towels. The higher end is for luxury towels made from premium materials like Turkish cotton.

You don’t have to spend a lot to get decent quality in either towel type. But as expected, the larger bath towels will cost a little more across the board.

Ease of Use

Both bath and shower towels are very easy to use on a daily basis. But here are a few differences:

  • Bath towels – These require a bit more maneuvering to wrap and arrange around yourself compared to smaller shower towels. But the larger size also means quicker drying with fewer back-and-forth motions.
  • Shower towels – The compact size makes shower towels easy to swipe across your body. But depending on your size, you may need a few more passes to fully dry off.

For children or older folks, a shower towel may be easier for them to manipulate after bathing. The lighter weight is also a bonus.

Storage and Laundry

The main storage difference is that shower towels take up less space. You can fit 2-3 shower towels in the space of one bath towel.

So if your linen closet or shelf space is limited, shower towels let you store more towels overall.

For laundry, shower towels will take up less room in the wash and dryer. You can clean more shower towels at once compared to larger bath towels.

Key Takeaway: Shower towels take up less storage space and allow you to wash/dry more towels simultaneously.

Multi-Purpose Use

While bath and shower towels were designed with specific purposes in mind, they can also both be used interchangeably in a pinch:

  • A bath towel will sufficiently dry you off after a shower. It may be bulkier than needed, but will get the job done.
  • A shower towel can be used after a bath if that’s all you have on hand. You’ll just need to use it more vigorously to dry your whole body.

The absorbency and fabric are similar enough between the two that they can serve opposite uses if needed. But for optimal everyday use, it’s best to use bath towels and shower towels as intended.

Choosing Between Bath and Shower Towels

When deciding between bath and shower towels, think about these key factors:

  • Space – Do you have ample or limited storage and hanging space?
  • Usage – Will this be for drying your whole body or just a quick pat-down?
  • Body size – Do you need a larger or smaller towel to comfortably dry off?
  • Drying time – Do you need something that dries quickly after use?
  • Absorbency – Is maximum water absorption or a lighter towel more important?
  • Multipurpose use – Will this towel be used for the bath and shower or a specific purpose?

Once you determine your needs in these areas, you’ll know which towel variety is right for your home.

Bath TowelShower Towel
Larger sizeCompact size
Full body coverageMade for partial drying
Maximum absorbencyQuick dry-off
Takes longer to dryDries quickly
Heavier when wetLighter weight
More fabric to arrangeEasy to manipulate
Higher costVery affordable
Limited storageSaves space

Caring for Bath and Shower Towels

To keep either type of towel soft and absorbent, follow these care tips:

  • Wash towels separately: Avoid washing them with dirty clothes which can transfer lint and residue onto the towels. Use a gentle detergent and wash on cold.
  • Avoid fabric softener: It leaves a coating on the fibers that reduces absorbency over time. Vinegar in the rinse cycle helps naturally soften towels.
  • Limit drying time: Over-drying towels makes them stiff and scratchy. Take towels out of the dryer while still slightly damp.
  • Fold promptly: Leaving wet towels wadded up can stretch the fibers. Fold or hang them right after drying.
  • Bleach with care: An occasional bleach soak removes stains and disinfects. But frequent bleaching damages fibers.

Proper laundry and storage habits will keep both varieties of towels super soft and able to maximize absorbency.


Are bath towels and shower towels made from different materials?

No, bath and shower towels are both typically made from very similar materials, usually cotton, microfiber, or bamboo. There’s no difference in the actual fabric composition.

Which towel is better for drying your hair – a bath towel or shower towel?

A bath towel is better for drying your hair since it provides more fabric to wrap up long hair. Shower towels work fine for short hair, but a bath towel’s larger size makes it easier to thoroughly dry thick or long hair.

Can you use a bath towel as a shower towel and vice versa?

While bath and shower towels are designed for specific purposes, they can be used interchangeably if needed. A bath towel will easily dry your whole body after a shower. And a shower towel can still sufficiently dry you after a bath, it will just require a bit more work.

Are shower towels a better choice for kids?

The smaller size and lightweight fabric of shower towels make them a good choice for children. Shower towels are easier for kids to dry themselves with. And they’ll take up less space in a child’s bathroom.

Do bath sheets fall under shower towels or bath towels?

Bath sheets are oversized bath towels, usually around 35 x 60 inches. So they fall under the bath towel umbrella and are designed to dry and cover your entire body after bathing. Shower towels are much smaller than bath sheets.

How often should you replace bath and shower towels?

With proper care, bath and shower towels will last 2 to 3 years before needing to be replaced. Wash them separately, avoid harsh detergents, don’t over-dry, and store them well to maximize their lifespan.


While bath and shower towels come in different sizes, they both serve the main purpose of drying your body after bathing.

Bath towels give you plenty of fabric to wrap up with, while shower towels are compact and quick-drying.

Consider your space, laundry routine, body size, and drying needs when deciding between the two. And don’t be afraid to mix and match – having some of both types can be useful for covering all your household needs.

Emma Kellam
Emma Kellam

I'm Emma, and I run Towels Edition, a website for fellow home goods enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about textiles. After working in high-end retail, I was amazed by how little most people (myself included!) know about all the towel options out there.

I research and write all the content myself. Whether it's specialized towels like bar mops, Turkish cotton production methods, or comparing hair towel absorbency, I cover it. My goal is to share my knowledge and enthusiasm to help others.

Running Towels Edition allows me to constantly expand my own expertise too. I love learning about innovations in bamboo fabric or ideal bath towels. It's so rewarding to receive emails thanking me for recommendations that improved my readers' routines.

I want Towels Edition to be the ultimate online towel resource, making this overlooked necessity far more fascinating. My aim is to open people's eyes to how specialty towels can thoroughly enhance hygiene, cleaning, recreation and self-care.