Salon Towel Storage Ideas

In a busy salon environment with clients coming in and out all day long, keeping salon towels organized can be challenging. Towels go through constant use and laundering, so you need storage solutions that make them easily accessible for stylists while keeping things neat.

Salon Towel Storage Ideas

Quality salon towel storage is essential for a professional, uncluttered look that puts clients at ease. However, it can also serve practical purposes like freeing up space and protecting towels from damage.

Wall-Mounted Towel Racks and Shelves

Wall-mounted racks and shelves are space-savers that keep towels up off the floor and counter space free. Mount them anywhere towels are frequently stored and retrieved, like:

  • Near shampoo bowls
  • At styling stations
  • In back rooms and laundry areas

Considerations for Wall-Mounted Storage

  • Material: Metal, wood, plastic, or acrylic. Choose based on aesthetics and budget. Wood and metal tend to look more high-end.
  • Visibility: Clear acrylic lets you see how many towels you have left. Opaque materials hide towels from view.
  • Capacity: The rack should hold enough towels to meet demand between laundries. Measure to find the right size.
  • Style: Pick a style that fits your salon’s look – sleek contemporary, rustic barnwood, industrial metal, etc.

Key Takeaway: Mount wall racks and shelves to maximize vertical storage space for salon towels. Pick durable materials that complement your decor.

Freestanding Towel Carts and Racks

Freestanding towel carts provide storage on wheels so you can move towels wherever they’re needed. Stationary racks can be positioned anywhere that works best. Consider placing freestanding storage:

  • Near the front desk for easy client access
  • In open floor areas between stations
  • Tucked into corners to utilize dead space

Benefits of Freestanding Towel Storage

  • Mobility: Carts allow you to take towels to stylists and clients. Locking wheels keep them in place when needed.
  • Flexibility: Stationary racks can be positioned to make use of available space. Move them as your layout changes.
  • Visibility: Open racks let you see when towels are running low. Enclosed carts keep towels tidy and protected.
  • Capacity: Carts and racks come in a range of sizes to meet your towel storage needs.

Key Takeaway: Freestanding towel carts and racks provide flexible, visible storage you can position anywhere that’s convenient.

Hanging Towel Storage

Make use of vertical space and keep towels off countertops with hanging towel storage. Options include:

  • Wall-mounted laundry bags: Canvas bags hang from hooks to corral dirty towels. Clear plastic lets you monitor capacity.
  • Retractable clotheslines: Compact clotheslines pull down from the wall so you can hang damp towels to dry.
  • Over-the-door hangers: These hangers hook over doors to create instant towel hanging space on the back.
  • Tension rods: Place removable tension rods in doorways or corners to hang towels temporarily.

Benefits of Hanging Towel Storage

  • Visibility: See at a glance how many clean or dirty towels you have.
  • Space-saving: Hanging towels gets them up off the floor and counters.
  • Dry faster: Letting towels air dry reduces mold and mildew growth.
  • Flexible: Use hanging storage as needed then take it down when not in use.

Key Takeaway: Hanging towel storage maximizes vertical space and improves visibility so you can monitor towel levels.

Styling Station Storage Solutions

Your stylists interact with towels most frequently at their stations, so keep plenty within arm’s reach. Storage options include:

  • Drawers: Stash stacks of clean towels in dedicated station drawers.
  • Shelves: Station shelves keep towels handy but out of the way.
  • Hooks: Attach small towel hooks or bars where stylists can grab one without turning around.
  • Cubbies: Built-in cubbies, slots, or caddies hold folded towels at the station.
  • Trolleys: Portable trolleys with towel racks provide each stylist with their own supply.

Tips for Station Towel Storage

  • Easy access: Place towels within quick reach – on the back bar, side of the station, in a caddy, etc.
  • Enough supply: Make sure stations have an adequate towel supply for a full day of clients. Refill at night.
  • Limit clutter: Contain towels neatly so stations stay organized. Closed cabinets or baskets keep piles hidden.

Key Takeaway: Provide easy access to ample towels at each styling station to support an efficient workflow. Keep excess towels out of sight.

Salon Cabinets and Drawers

Cabinets and drawers throughout the salon provide enclosed storage to keep towels dust-free and out of sight. Ideal locations include:

  • Reception area: Stash towels clients can access themselves to wrap wet hair.
  • Shampoo area: Store towels right where they’ll be used under the countertop or in wall cabinets.
  • Break room: Use drawers or a cabinet to hold spare towels away from work areas.
  • Laundry room: Dedicated laundry cabinets separate clean from dirty towels.
  • Styling stations: Station drawers or cabinets enclosed excess towel piles.

Getting the Most Out of Salon Cabinets

  • Specialty organizers: Use drawer organizers to neatly arrange folded towels.
  • Large capacity: Fill large cabinets with stacks of laundered towels.
  • Limit access: Keeping cabinets closed avoids excess towel use. Only staff should access them.
  • Label: Label cabinets and drawers so everyone knows their contents. Color coding also helps.

Key Takeaway: Closed cabinets and drawers allow bulk towel storage while keeping piles tidy and out of view. Use labels or organization so staff can easily find what they need.

Mounted Wire Shelving Units

Heavy duty mounted wire shelving is perfect for maximizing laundry and back room storage. Open shelves allow air circulation so towels dry faster.

Ideas for Using Wire Shelving

  • Create wall-to-wall shelving banks in laundry or storage rooms.
  • Double your space by installing two layers of shelving.
  • Use wheeled carts with wire racks to transport damp towels.
  • Incorporate hanging drying racks or retractable clotheslines.
  • Add sturdy plastic bins to corral specific towel types.
  • Install above washers and dryers or laundry folding tables.

Benefits of Wire Shelving

  • High capacity: Store large volumes of towels on wide shelves.
  • Visibility: See towel stock at a glance on open wire racks.
  • Adjustability: Shelves can be configured to fit all sizes of towels or other items.
  • Airflow: Open shelves allow ventilation so towels dry faster.
  • Durability: Withstands constant use and the weight of heavy, wet towels.

Key Takeaway: Heavy duty wire shelving units maximize laundry room and back space for high capacity towel storage and efficient drying.

Salon Towel Storage Tips

Follow these tips to make your salon towel storage work better for you:

  • Install storage near any area towels are used frequently.
  • Choose materials and styles that complement your decor.
  • Use labels, bins, baskets, and organizers to stay tidy.
  • Store excess towels enclosed in cabinets or drawers.
  • Make dirty towels easy to separate from clean with different carts, bins, etc.
  • Allow air circulation so damp towels dry faster.
  • Refill towel supplies at each station and laundry at end of day to stay stocked.
  • Position freestanding racks and carts in convenient locations as needed.
  • Monitor towel levels and launder before running out completely.


How many towels should a salon keep on hand?

For a full day of clients, most stylists need 20-30 towels per station. Busy salons should own at least 300 towels total to ensure ample supply between laundries.

Where should we store dirty towels?

Use rolling laundry bins or carts, wall-mounted canvas laundry bags, or other containers clearly designated for dirty towels only. Separate them from clean towels.

How can we prevent towel theft or overuse?

Keep excess towels in closed cabinets that only staff can access. Provide clients towels just for drying or caping as needed so they don’t wander off with them.

What’s the best way to dry damp towels quickly?

Allow space for air circulation on wire shelves or hanging racks. Use portable drying racks that can be wheeled into sunny spots. Always avoid leaving towels rolled or piled up wet.

How do we keep different towel types or client sets separate?

Use shelving bins, laundry bags, and color coding to differentiate towel types. Assign certain colors only for single-client use.


Salon towels are in constant motion, so seamless storage systems that make them easy to access, track, and replenish are essential.

With the right combination of wall storage, freestanding racks, enclosed cabinets, and laundry space, you can keep towels organized and available wherever your staff needs them.

Choose solutions that suit your salon’s workflow and style. Maintaining tidy towel storage improves productivity and keeps your salon looking its very best for clients.

Emma Kellam
Emma Kellam

I'm Emma, and I run Towels Edition, a website for fellow home goods enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about textiles. After working in high-end retail, I was amazed by how little most people (myself included!) know about all the towel options out there.

I research and write all the content myself. Whether it's specialized towels like bar mops, Turkish cotton production methods, or comparing hair towel absorbency, I cover it. My goal is to share my knowledge and enthusiasm to help others.

Running Towels Edition allows me to constantly expand my own expertise too. I love learning about innovations in bamboo fabric or ideal bath towels. It's so rewarding to receive emails thanking me for recommendations that improved my readers' routines.

I want Towels Edition to be the ultimate online towel resource, making this overlooked necessity far more fascinating. My aim is to open people's eyes to how specialty towels can thoroughly enhance hygiene, cleaning, recreation and self-care.