Paper Towel Uses

Paper towels are a versatile household product with a wide range of uses beyond just cleaning up spills.

Paper Towel Uses

Introduction Of Paper Towels

Since their introduction in the early 1900s, paper towels have become a staple in many households worldwide. Their high absorbency and disposable nature make them ideal for cleaning up spills, drying hands, and wiping surfaces. However, paper towels are capable of far more than just sopping up messes.

With some creative thinking, we can utilize paper towels to tackle an array of daily challenges. They help streamline cooking and food preparation, assist in home maintenance tasks, and enable improvised solutions for beauty routines, arts and crafts, storage needs, and more.

This guide will explore the wide-ranging applications of the humble paper towel. Discover clever uses for managing kitchen messes, keeping produce fresh, removing stains, saving time while sewing, and even testing seed viability. With the right techniques, paper towels can simplify chores, reduce waste, and make your life easier.

Clever Uses for Paper Towels in the Kitchen

The kitchen is where paper towels really shine. Their absorbency makes quick work of spills, while their disposability maintains hygiene. Here are some clever ways to use them while cooking and prepping food:

Cleaning Kitchen Messes

  • For fresh spills, quickly blot with paper towels before stains set in. For greasy spills, sprinkle some salt or baking soda first to absorb the grease, then wipe up.
  • For dried or stubborn stains, slightly dampen a paper towel and gently scrub the area. Be sure to use a cleaner that’s safe for the surface.
  • When using a liquid cleaner, follow up with a dry paper towel to prevent moisture buildup. Regularly fold to a clean area as you wipe.
  • Always dispose of used paper towels to avoid cross-contamination in the kitchen.

Handling Raw Meat

Use paper towels when prepping raw meat to prevent the spread of bacteria like salmonella to your hands or cutting board. The disposability keeps things hygienic.

Drying Hands and Dishes

Paper towels make quick work of drying hands, dishes, and even glassware streak-free. The disposability is more sanitary compared to cloth towels prone to bacterial growth.

Draining Grease

Line a strainer with a paper towel to drain fat or oil from soups, broths, and meats. The towel neatly absorbs the grease.

Microwave Covers

Prevent splatter in the microwave by using a paper towel as a loose cover over bowls and plates when reheating food.

Pick Up Food Crumbs

Use paper towels as an impromptu placemat or food wrap when serving finger foods and snacks to keep surfaces clean and enable easy disposal of crumbs and spills.

Keeping Fruits and Veggies Fresh

Paper towels absorb moisture, which helps produce last longer. Here are some techniques:

  • Wrap herbs and greens in paper towels before refrigerating, and store inside a plastic bag.
  • Line vegetable bins with paper towels to manage moisture and extend the life of your produce.
  • Place a paper towel in sealed leftover containers to prevent condensation from making salads soggy.

Removing Stains with Paper Towels

The absorbency and disposability of paper towels makes them a handy stain removal tool:

  • For fresh stains, quickly blot the area to prevent the stain from setting. Avoid aggressive rubbing.
  • For dried or set stains, slightly dampen the paper towel to help loosen the stain particles before blotting.
  • Use a layering technique for large spills – place sheets of paper towels over the stain and press firmly to absorb as much liquid as possible.
  • Paper towels can tackle stains on clothes, upholstery, carpets, and more. Discard towels after use to avoid spreading the stain.

Arts and Crafts Solutions

Paper towels can assist with various arts, crafts, and DIY projects:

  • Use paper towels to clean paint brushes before washing them with soap and water.
  • Place paper towels under glue bottles and glitter containers to catch drips and spills.
  • For watercolor painting, use a paper towel to dab excess paints from the brush between colors.
  • When sewing or quilting, run the machine over a paper towel first to remove residual oil or grease before starting your project.

Improvising with Paper Towels

Around the house, paper towels can help improvise quick solutions in a pinch:

  • Use a paper towel as an emergency coffee filter when needed – it strains out grounds effectively.
  • Clean a manual can opener by clamping down on and turning a paper towel to remove gunk.
  • When chilling wine quickly, wrap the bottle in a damp paper towel and place it in the freezer.
  • Use a rolled paper towel as a swab to dry glassware with narrow openings.
  • Place layers of paper towels between cast iron cookware to absorb moisture and prevent rust.

Even More Uses

The versatility of paper towels enables them to assist with an array of other household tasks:

  • Test the viability of old seeds by wrapping in damp paper towels and watching for sprouts.
  • Place paper towels between the pages of wet books to help them dry without wrinkling or creasing.
  • Use a paper towel to gently apply leather conditioner and buff away excess.
  • Prevent book page smudges by placing paper towels under your hands while reading.
  • Line the bottom of a cat litter box with paper towels for quick cleanup.
  • Use paper towels and an iron to remove wax from carpet or crayon markings from walls.
  • Keep silverware tarnish-free by wrapping pieces in paper towels for storage.

With the right techniques, paper towels can make cooking, cleaning, and DIY projects faster and easier. Their disposability promotes hygiene, while their absorbency neatly contains messes. As this guide outlines, the potential uses are almost endless. With some experimentation and innovation, paper towels can simplify a variety of daily household tasks.

Key Takeaway: From the kitchen to the craft room, paper towels have dozens of handy applications thanks to their absorbent and disposable nature. They promote cleanliness and efficiency in cooking, cleaning, DIY projects, and more.


How do paper towels keep produce fresh?

Lining your refrigerator bins with paper towels absorbs excess moisture from fruits and veggies that cause them to rot prematurely. For leafy greens, wrap them in a paper towel before refrigerating.

Can I use paper towels to clean my windows and mirrors?

Yes, paper towels work great for cleaning glass surfaces by absorbing cleaning solution and wiping away streaks. Follow up with a dry towel for a spotless shine.

Are paper towels suitable for cleaning electronics?

Avoid using paper towels on screens or other electronics as they can scratch the surface. For electronics, microfiber cloths are a safer bet.

How do you use paper towels to test seed viability?

Wrap older seeds between damp paper towels and store in a plastic bag. Check daily and if the seeds sprout within 1-2 weeks, the remainder of the batch can be planted.

Can I cook bacon in the microwave using paper towels?

Yes, place a few layers of paper towels on a microwave-safe plate. Lay bacon strips out flat, topped with more paper towels. Microwave in 1-minute intervals checking for doneness.

Do paper towels remove grease effectively?

The absorbent texture of paper towels makes them excellent for blotting and removing grease, whether from cooked foods or pans and dishes. Discard towels after use.

Why can I not use paper towels on cast iron?

You can use paper towels on cast iron. In fact, they are great for removing cooking residue and excess oil when cleaning cast iron pans. You just don’t want to scrub them as that can damage the seasoning.


With a bit of innovation, paper towels can assist with far more than just cleaning and spill absorption around your home.

Their disposable and highly absorbent nature makes them handy for tackling kitchen messes, keeping produce fresh, removing stains, DIY projects, improvised solutions, and much more.

Emma Kellam
Emma Kellam

I'm Emma, and I run Towels Edition, a website for fellow home goods enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about textiles. After working in high-end retail, I was amazed by how little most people (myself included!) know about all the towel options out there.

I research and write all the content myself. Whether it's specialized towels like bar mops, Turkish cotton production methods, or comparing hair towel absorbency, I cover it. My goal is to share my knowledge and enthusiasm to help others.

Running Towels Edition allows me to constantly expand my own expertise too. I love learning about innovations in bamboo fabric or ideal bath towels. It's so rewarding to receive emails thanking me for recommendations that improved my readers' routines.

I want Towels Edition to be the ultimate online towel resource, making this overlooked necessity far more fascinating. My aim is to open people's eyes to how specialty towels can thoroughly enhance hygiene, cleaning, recreation and self-care.